Reach out if you have any questions or if you would like to help! You can also join our Computational Behavior Slack for more discussions.
Misc. Resources
Resources that students might find helpful that I’m involved with:
- Summer school on Neurosymbolic Programming
- CS159: Representation Learning for Science
- Workshop on Building Healthy Research Collaborations
- Tips for Teaching Assistants (with a focus for TAs in CMS)
- Graduate Women in CMS
Other helpful resources:
- Self-supervised Learning Blog from Lilian Weng
- Designing Effective Scientific Presentations from Susan McConnell
- Computer Science Faculty Application Tips from Yisong Yue
In my free time, I like to read (fantasy & science fiction), hike, and play video games! Feel free to contact me to discuss any of the above.
Open-Source Datasets
Open-sourced datasets are important for comparing model performance, understanding gaps in model development, reproducing experimental results, and improving accessibility to data.
- Ann Kennedy and I are maintaining a list of open-source behavior analysis datasets at the Computational Behavior Dataset Repo. We are always open to new contributors! With other co-organizers, we organize the annual multi-agent behavior challenge([2021, 2022]).
- Papers with Code has a large-scale repo of general machine learning datasets.
- OpenBehavior has a set of videos contributed by different labs for behavioral video analysis.
Open-Source Code
Code available from projects that I’ve been involved in:
- Trajectory Embedding for Behavior Analysis for self-supervised and programmatically supervised representation learning.
- Behavioral Keypoint Discovery for discovering keypoints from behavioral videos using self-supervision.
- AutoSWAP integrating program synthesis and weak supervision.
- Learning Differentiable Programs with Admissible Neural Heuristics for learning interpretable programs from data.
- Human POse EMbeddings (POEM) for view-invariant pose embeddings.